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2005-03-19 :: 20:03:19
Напоследък аз и Тони започнахме да изчистваме сайта. Ще направим нов дизайн на сайта и може би
ще променим някои неща.
Скоро ще добавим "Best Street Pics" галерия. Тези снимки ще бъдат избрани от всички снимки, които имаме
на български блейдъри. Ако имате някоя която смятате че е много добра - изпратете я. Да се изберат
най-добрите снимки е много трудна задача. Аз и Тони обсъждахме че докато някои хора може да харесат
някоя снимка, други няма да я харесат, затова ще трябва да оставите избора на нас.
Искаме да благодарим на всички които помагат със сайта, хората които изпращат снимки, хората които
изпращат новини и предложения. Ако сме забравили някой моля пратете ми името си и ще ви добавим на
подходящото място.
peace! |
2005-03-10 :: 18:26:55
Два скейтпарка ще бъдат построени в София...
Добрата новина.. Два скейтпарка и един сноуборд парк са планувани да бъдат построени в София. Това е
планът на Общината на София като част от кампанията за Развитие на Туризма.
Лошата новина.. парковете може да не бъдат построени до 2020!!! Някои от вас ще бъдат на около 32 години,
преди да имате скейтпарк, но поне децата ви един ден ще има къде да карат :)
Ако искате да прочетете статията отидете на Sofia Echo
Sofia Echo Article
Source:Sofia Echo |
2005-03-09 :: 21:28:32
"Защо хората мразят блейдърите?"
Един човек написал книга за action спортовете. След това 4 човека дискутират inline skating-а. Не искам да повтарям цялата статия тук. Може да отидете и да я прочетете. Доволно тъпа статия е!
глупава статия
Мъж на име Jason Hines, който е Президент на Mix Ride Media, както и Организатор на Inline състезания, ESPN X Games, както и
ROLLERBLADER написа отличен отговор. Ето неговия отговор, който според мен е фантастичен и си заслужава четенето.
Писмо в отговор на статията на expn, от Jason Hines:
Hello Dave,
I just read the article written about the book "Amped" which was recently reviewed on the EXPN website. In the review, you were part of a panel that fielded questions concerning the state of action sports. While some of the questions were answered intelligently and true, I would like to dispute the answer to one of the questions, "why hate inliners?" The word hate is a strong word. Usually I would let such comments slide by as being made by someone who is not educated on the subject that they are talking about. However, being that I am Afro American and have endured a fair amount of racism and non provoked “hate” in my life, the word "hate" inspires a lot of feelings inside me, one of which is to speak my side as to help educate the "un-educated". As a journalist you should know what they are speaking about before you speak. I hope that you will stick to the true integrity of your profession and post my reply as it is written. I welcome discussions from anyone who wishes to send an educated reply.
Here are the questions in bold with my answers below them in plain text.
The article stated “Why hate inliners? A good question. A few answers:”
*It's pretty easy to inline on a basic level—your mom could probably pick it up in a day.
On the contrary, isn’t it easy to do anything on a basic level? Everywhere you look there are senior citizens riding bikes. Also, it's kinda ironic how many "wanna be" yuppies, models, and middle age men you see riding Sector 9 long boards in every major city worldwide. Just because they can ride a bike or ride a skateboard does not mean they are related to the people doing the tricks. With rollerblading, it's the same thing. If you have ever taken a look at the clothes your mom wears when doing it or the size of the wheels on her skates you would notice it's as different from stunt rollerblading as the other references I made
*Inliners have never really had their own identity, they've always kind of bit the style of skateboarders—and nobody likes a biter.
If you take a look at both sports you will notice three things:
1) Considering stunt rollerblading is a young sport, many of the people who did it in the beginning were skateboarders (late 1980’s, early 1990’s). Many of the early icons in the sport were skateboarders who were drawn in by the speed, progression and the endless possibilities of what you can do on skates. Given that they were not going to spring for a new wardrobe just because they had found a new interest, the style of rollerblading in the beginning was similar to that of skateboarding at the time.
2) Have you ever seen footage from the glory days of skating in Southern California? In that video, the basic theme was the surfers taking surfing style to the streets on their skateboards. From my observation, it looks like the style of 1980's skateboarding stemmed from another sport.....surfing. Many would argue that skateboarding and surfing are the same culture, but if you look at it today they are two completely different styles. Maybe it's safe to say that a sport, in its infancy, mimics the roots of its earliest icons. Makes sense, doesn't it?
3) Rollerblading and skateboarding currently look completely different style wise. About the only thing shared is that many shirts might be made in the same factory on the other side of the world. The similarities end there.
*Their trick names are goofy (i.e. "fishbrain").
Ah, the word goofy….. As a skater, you should realize a trick name is a trick name for a reason. You call it "goofy", we call it "switch". You call it "bluntslide" we call it "fishbrain". Not many people outside of skateboarding know that the "ollie" was named after Alan "Ollie" Gelfand. Ollie was his nickname. Still, we do not question it. Before you question our names you might want to ask yourself "Do I know that Tom Fry, an Australian and an early icon in rollerblading, was nicknamed "fishbrain"?
*They crowd skateparks and skate spots.
Is the comment you are making that "rollerbladers crowd skateparks" or that "young rollerbladers crowd skateparks"?
If it is the first, then go to the Spot in Tampa on a Friday night if you want to see crowded chaos. Or go to FDR skatepark in Philly. Hell, go to any good street session in any city worldwide. My point here is that a session is a session. A chaotic, packed session is an amazing session, skateboards or rollerblades. Crowded can be a good thing.
If it is the latter, then go to any skatepark that is “child” friendly and see how many runaway skateboards clip your toes, only to be traced to the beginners section. Kids will be kids in any sport but they are our future so we must show them the way, regardless of what they have on their feet. It’s amazing what you do when you teach a kid skatepark etiquette. He/she actually ceases to feel nervous and begins to enjoy the experience, thus becoming a skateboarder/rollerblader for life. Once again, crowded can be a good thing.
*Their equipment is attached to their feet
Yes, our skates are attached to our feet. For this reason we are driven to go bigger and more technical than other sports…... sounds a little like snowboarding, doesn’t it?
We are driven to find new ways to push our limits. We are tempted to do double rotations and 1260’s on vert because they are attached to our feet. We are compelled to do gaps that are 12 stair – flat – 12 stairs, drop down elevator shafts, and do 13 foot airs on an 12 foot vert ramp (I have the picture) because they are attached to our feet. Our videos are plagued with tricks that we are being towed into by a car and we look for that…..we have out grown almost every competition street course because they are attached to our feet.
Unfortunately, we break more bones, knock out more teeth, cause more concussions, and even lose our lives while skating (RIP Richard Taylor) because of one reason….they are attached to our feet.
I must say, I was very disappointed watching the skateboarding street contest at the X Games last year. I respect, appreciate, and very much like skateboarding. However, I had trouble watching that competition. When some of the top, most progressive tricks in a sport are being performed at knee level (in my eyes, completely boring and totally unimpressive), it makes me wonder why we are being ridiculed for rollerblading because they are attached to our feet.
*Fabiola daSilva, widely considered one of the top inliners in the world, is a girl.
There are a couple of things you should learn about Fabiola before you ridicule rollerblading in her name.
First, she is not the only girl who is good. There are many and they are really good. When she first began skating, she along with many other women, were at a level of skating equivalent to where women’s vert skateboarding still is. However, they saw themselves on the verge of being left behind as the men began to progress. Fabiola decided that she would not be left behind. Her and many others made a conscious decision that they would have to sacrifice a lot, including their pretty looks, to progress in their sport. She, along with a few others, decided progression was more important than pretty knees and cute pink helmets. Slowly but surely, many young girls began looking up to Fabiola and the others and eventually joined the movement, making up the current street skating women’s scene. They break bones, they knock out teeth, bleed, and hurt just like everyone else in our sport. However, since they have pushed so hard and gotten so far, there is no way they will stop. They will continue to progress and their numbers will continue to grow, with Fabiola leading the way.
Second fact is that she is an amazing athlete. Not only is she one of the top rollerbladers in the world, she is the best women’s action sports athlete. I guarantee you put her on a skateboard and in 6 months she is by far the best women’s vert skateboarder in the world. I would issue the challenge but I know that she would decline and has no interest in skateboarding
Third is that she is not afraid to get hurt. As I mentioned above, Fabiola takes her falls. She understood at a very early age that progression meant taking the chances needed to establish your limits and push beyond them. If you watch her skate, she pumps the transition in the same manner as the men in all sports. Thus, she has the ability to do tricks similar to those of the men. I feel that what is holding women’s skateboarding back is the fact that they are missing someone with Fabiola’s toughness. Women’s skateboarding vert is at the same level as our women’s vert was in 1994. If a woman comes along who is not afraid to attack the ramp in the same manner that the men in skateboarding do then they will catch up over time.
Fourth is that Fabiola is an amazing skater, but by no means is she the best vert skater in our sport. There are many men who are far ahead of her ability. The reason you see her a lot at every contest is that there are not many rollerbladers in our sport. We usually field pro contests with about 15 skaters on vert, and there are only about 25 pro vert skaters in the world. We are a young sport and have a long way to go before we will have 15 or 20 skaters who are better than her.
Dave, I really hope this helps to “educate” those who wish to know more about the words they are speaking. Knowledge is the key to understanding something as misunderstood as rollerblading. But I do wish for you (or who ever made the comments above) to answer me one question and help to educate me;
Why do you hate me?
You want us to go away from your world of action sports and for the most part we have gone quietly. We are out of the X Games as a competing sport and we haven’t bitched. Our industry has been humbled and our numbers have slipped because so many obese American children wearing BAM shirts and playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater say we are lame. The majority of core rollerbladers have left your precious skateparks and knee high ledges in search more challenging terrain. People don’t associate us with skateboarding anymore as skateboarding is mainstream now and Independent t-shirts are now standard back to school issue and gay men club attire.
Nothing against gay men but it proves a point. Skateboarding represents everything that you accuse rollerblading to be. We have no desire to look like you, skate like you, chill with you, idolize you, or even listen to the same music as you do. We never did. We don’t like to eat lunch with you at school, or hang with you in bars. It’s not that we don’t like skateboarders or even hate skateboarding, despite being hated upon. It’s just that we are NOT skateboarders so why should we care what is going on in your sport? We have our own culture to worry about BECAUSE YOU WORRY ABOUT IT SO MUCH. I guess we are the anti-jock (yeah….they skateboard now!), underground, “can’t sell out cuz there ain’t no money in it!”, misunderstood, non conforming, grassroots, for the love, and most under-the-radar sport IN ALL OF ACTION SPORTS. In other words, we are everything skateboarding used to be, which is probably why you all feel so threatened by little old rollerblading.
Do you hate me now?
Jason Hines
President, Mix Ride Media
Inline Competition Organizer, ESPN X Games
P.S. Съжалявам, но нямам време да преведа цялото писмо, ако искате може да го прочетете на руски на skaters.ru |
2005-03-09 :: 21:18:43
KIZER вече има 3ма нови карачи в отбора си - Demetrious George, Carlos P и Daniel Prell.
Излезна trailer към новото видео WAR 2 (We Are rollerbladers). Изтеглете го от тук!
Малко хора знаят за нивото на каране в UK, за това изтеглете този trailer на Salomon UK отбора от тук!
Победители в състезанието BITTERCOLD SHOWDOWN където са участвали и Iguana Team (Andrey Zaycev и Roman Moiseenkov) са :
1. Sean Kelso
2. Dustin Hallerman
3. Ramelle Knight
4. Kaya Turski
Тук може да видите снимки от състезанието, a ето и 2 видео репорта - първи и втори!
Able Frames направиха 2 нови про модела, а точно на Franky Morales и Charles Dunkle.
Sources: skaters.ru, bladers.ru |
2005-03-08 :: 20:35:39
Website Updates
Today I was having a chat with Zayac and he pointed out some things, although I knew them it was good to hear them from someone else. Basically the DISASTER website at the moment has only two things which are active; the forums and the readers-pics- besides this the site at the moment is not informative enough.
The website needs to be enhanced. Tony and I have been talking about this and we will get the website redevelop soon with a new look and some new sections.But the site has to become more informative to all readers.
For the moment what we need is people to start sending NEWS! Any news relating to in-line skating should be sent to news@team-disaster.com These news don't have to be just about Bulgaria. We will add these news to the news section. If you see some new products, new skates, competitions, or even cool websites then please start sending them to us. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Also we need your advice. We need people to send us their suggestions for the website. After all the website is for all inline skaters so you decide what you want out of it. You can post suggestions to suggestions@team-disaster.com
I also need volunteers who can conduct interviews and submit regular reports to us.
Regular contributors will become "contributors" and their names will be added to the website contributors list. Ofocurse you will get our thanks!
peace and thanks
marco |
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Stefan Nikolov
Pavel Kristov